How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Oct 12, 2009


Hello everyone! And, welcome to Japan, Monika!

I am Yuka, one of the aiesec team members. I also belong to an Aikido circle.

I want Monika and Manish to know more about Japanese culture, so today, I would like to introduce Aikido to you.

Aikido is a kind of martial arts made in Japan. Aikido is one type of Kung fu, my chinese friend said. However, it is said that Morihei Ueshiba made Aikido about 80 years ago. He is very big person. I hear that he had even avoid a bullet in a war.(It is a legend... unbelievable!)
The most characteristic point of this sport is that there are no games. That means, there is no winners as well as no losers.
Aikido is known as the art of self-defence(護身術). This is because everyone including the young or the elderly, men or women can do it. Power is unnecessary. Instead of that, we use 気 ("ki" or "qi"), which is a kind of power that is not made from muscles. I'm sorry, I can't fully explain it^^; If you want to know, please ask me. I try to explain it. (To tell the truth, I haven't understood it yet...It is very difficult.)
People says it is effective to practice Aikido to protect ourselves from strangers, but many teachers of Aikido says that if we really want to protect ourselves, running away is more important! Please remember that.

If you are interested in Aikido, please talk to me! It is very fun to play Aikido. I think I can teach you Aikido a little. A little...

Thank you for reading! See you^^*


At October 14, 2009 at 10:23 AM , Anonymous Hiro said...

I've never seen AIKIDO, so plz show it to me at our meeting or Learning event;)

At October 24, 2009 at 9:22 PM , Anonymous manish said...

hey guys i am interested in aikido too:-))i wana learn for sure when i there.


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