How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Oct 6, 2009

First questions to Monika

Akashi-san, thank you for making this blog!
I really appriciate it.
I asked Monika first questions and she answered it.
I'm looking forward to communicate with her and to understand her idea about Japan through this blog.

1.How about studying Japanese?? Does it go smoothly?

1. Since I rememeber I wanted to learn Japanese, but in my hometown there weren't any possiblity to do it. But when I moved to Krakow I was looking for some good course. When I started learning it was a great pleasure for me because I were finally doing something that I wanted for a really long time.
Basic grammar, vocabulary, hiragana and katakana were easy for me. Although I often hear from people that they think it's impossible to learn that language or it's just too difficult because you have to start from the beginning - from the alphabet (and it's more than one) :) I really like foreign languages so maybe that's why it's easier for me, and it's my> passion as well. For those who don't really care about Japan and it's heritage - learning its language would be much more harder. However I had a doubth once. It was the time when we strated to learn kanji :) It was too
diffucult for me, I couldn't understand the different ways of reading and meaning while talking about one sign. I even thought about quiting as it was too hard for me. But I think that deep inside I knew I would never leave it :) I still have problems with kanji, and I know that it's really impossible to learn them all but I believe I can learn sufficient amount to use Japanese without too many problems (of course it's a long way ahead of me).
I just want to improve my Japanese and some day I hope my skills will be good even if it would cost me very hard work. I'm learning also some other european languages and I can say that Japanese is much more difficult but it's also much more interesting and challenging :)

2.How will you tell people Japanese culture that you will learn in the internship??

2. This one is really not easy... My friends already knows a lot about
Japan, they know that it's my passion and sometimes I tell them something about your country. I know that they are also excited about my internship and after I'll be back in Poland they would really like to hear what it's like there :) I will tell them a lot about my experience and about everything I've learnt there. I'm not sure what exactly I will learn, but eg. If I learn how to cook some Japanese dish, that's sure that I'll cook it for my friends :) I'm really happy that my passion is interesting for other people and they want to know more about it, so I'm sure I'll have a lot of talking here after my internship in Japan :)



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