How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Oct 6, 2009

The Answer Yosuke's question

Hello, I'm Haruna!!

Monika tried to answer Yosuke's question on this blog, but she wasn't able to do it.
That's why I post her answer instead of her.

FROM Monika

Firstly - Thanks for inviting me to this blog. I'm very happy that I can
help with creating it.
Second of all I want to answer your questions, Yosuke-san. Maybe saying that my friends knows a lot about Japan was too big words but for sure they know much more than the regular polish citizen. I can start with the fact that they know some Japanese words, of course not many but some, and it's really exciting for them as they are able to say something in Japanese. Nowadays East Asia is becoming more and more popular in Poland and people want to know more about it as its completly different from our country, language, culture, etc. However its still something unusual to study its languages. That's why my friends are really interesed in some news that I can tell them. It's usually some issues that my Japanese sensei tells during classes. It's hard to tell right now, what exectly it is. As an example I can say that in Poland many people are affraid to try sushi as they think that's raw fish and some rise. Many of my friends or members of my family are really surprised when they hear that sushi doesn't have to consist a RAW fish. As a curiosity I can say that one of popular polish dish is made mainly from raw beef and unboiled egg. And it ok for them to eat a plate of raw meat but they have some doubts when it comes to really small
piece of raw fish :) Many of my friends have already tried sushi and really liked it. Now when I want to eat some, I'll always find someone who will go with me :)



At October 6, 2009 at 8:21 PM , Blogger Yosuke said...

Thank you Monika!

I also say something in foreign language! French, English, somtimes Brazilian (Bravo!! ^v^)

Oh, east Asia is so popular? Sounds great...because, to make each other understood will start at getting interested on each other. Now we are trying to understand ourselved each other!

I can imagine how your first time you ate Sushi was big challenge, as I'm afraid of eating unknown fruits.
But I was really impressed that some of your friends can eat Sushi because foreginers always don't eat Suchi though they are really popular among them...

Then, is there something you try about Japanese cultures?
Please don't think seriously. It doesn't have to popular one.

Or, can you see something came from Japan?
Electric equipments, Furnitures, Somewhere to eat, or so on...

I'm looking forward to your reply!
See ya~~~


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