How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Oct 6, 2009

Two questions from Haruna to Monika

1, Is studying Japanese running well?
You know, Mrs.Tanaka Mineko thinks it's very important to be able to speak
in internship.
I'm glad if I can get specifical informaton about your studying

Ans....Firstly my Japanese is better now. I have classes once or twice a week, it depends on
when Hiroshi-san have time for it. I'm taking private lessons and Hiroshi
knows what I'll be doing in Japan so he's trying to help me with my language
skills. I'm learning some grammar, vocabulary and we practise some dialogues
as well. He also tells me a bit about living in Japan and some habits.
However, I'm still worried about my language level, even if it's better now
I know that it's not good enough to communicate without any problems. I know
that the beginning of my internship will be difficult but I also know that I
will be able to improve my Japanese well while working and living in Japan.
I'm still working on that but in 2 or 3 months it's very hard to make big
progress in such a difficult language. Although, I'm sure that after a while
in Japan my Japanese will be much better. The reason I know that is the fact
that I really want to learn your language and I think that is the most
important thing in succeeding.

2, what are you doing for the internship?
I mean, for example, studying Japanese culture and so on.

Ans..... I have to say that I'm trying to prepare as
good as I can before my arrival. As I wrote before, Hiroshi-san is teaching
me not only language but also a bit about culture. What's more I'm reading a
lot about your country. I'm looking some information on websites, I'm
reading some books, I'm visiting Manggha Museum (it's The Center of Japanese
Art and Technology and it's located in Krakow). I'm trying to widen my
knowledge about Japanese culture, traditions. I'm reading stories of Polish
people who already have been to Japan and their experiences and advices. I'm
also trying to know more about your geography, about Kyoto, about kimonos
(it's very interesting for me). Also I really enjoyed those informations
about Tonda-ya, which Hiro send me. I'm reading about your lifestyle. I know
that our cultures are very different and some of my behavior can be
misunderstood in Japan but I hope that because of my preparations there will
be very less situations like that.



At October 6, 2009 at 8:23 PM , Blogger Yosuke said...

It's very good of you to have a teacher"Hiroshi-san".
I know what the most important thing to learn foreign language is how often you have the opportunity to listen and speaking the language.
As this point, Hiroshi-san gives you good opportunities!

But, you may already know how difficult to learn Japanese as the second language when you notice "keigo (polite expression)" or the importance of the last part of Japanese (like "--desu" or "--da" are different).
English doesn't have such many different politeness.

In the second answer, I have a very interesting point.
That is "some of my behavior will be miss understood".
As I want to know how you learn about our cultures in your country, though Hiroshi-san directly tells you, please tell me the impression of Japanese common sense.

And more, if you have any question about me, don't hesitate!

Since I'm totally free till the end of September, I can answer you as soon as possible.^^


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