How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Oct 15, 2009


Hello,everyone! Welcome to Japan Monika!

I am Youhei Kobayashi , one of aiesec team members. My nickname is Kobayann, so, please call me this nick name .

Monika and Manish ,do you like Japanese food? I think that you two do not know about Japanese food well,so ,today I would like to taik about Japanese food.

One o the most famous Japanese food is sushi(寿司),I think.this food is very popular in the world,so maybe you know it. Have you ever eaten it? If you have already eaten it, please tell me about it! What kind of fish do you like, etc.

I like a sea urchin ,uni .Its taste is so good! If you have not eaten it, you shold try!!

Second,do you know natto(納豆)? This is one of yhe most famous Japanese food ,too.
Many foreigners I know say that they are not good at natto. But, this is healthy and good taste.
So ,you should try this food too. It would be an important experience to understand Japanese
culture,I think.

If you are interested in Japanese food,please tell me!!

thank you for reading . see you!


At October 23, 2009 at 3:57 AM , Anonymous manish said...

hey kobayann,
a big hello to you!thanks alot for the information.i can say that i know a bit about japanese food.:-) sushi,udon,oknomiyaki,ramen though i havent tasted them..i cant wait to taste oknomiyaki and different noodles:-)etc..

p.s:- i love ramen.ramen is my fav food when i am hungry late nite ...we get nissin ramen here:-)

At October 23, 2009 at 3:58 AM , Blogger Yosuke said...

hey btw i forgot i know natto its fermented beans am i rite?


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