How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Nov 5, 2009

Monika's Birthday!!!

hello,everyone! This is Youhei,Kobayan.

We had Monika's birthday party the other day.
That was very exciting party , I think. We ate takoyaki,nabe, cake,and so on.
They ware very delicious!! Especially,Tuda'start was so good!!

How about ,Monika? I heard that you cooked tkoyaki for the first time,was it easy?
I think you did very well. If there are something that you have never tried,please tell us! Some day let's cook and eat it together.

I offer you my congratulations! Happy birthday,Monika!

Well,so long,everyone.


At November 6, 2009 at 11:59 PM , Blogger Monika said...


I want to thank you all one more time for my birthday party! It was really amazing! Food was so delicious, of course I ate too much! :)
Kabayan, making takoyaki is the easiest thing I've ever done in my life! (I hope you didn't see me while doing it...) :) Yes, we should cook together again. Maybe some of you would like to try polish food? I'm thinking about some easy recipe all the time ;)


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