How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Oct 23, 2009

こんばんわ EVERYONE! :)

At the beginning… I’m sorry that I haven’t been writing anything here lately but it’s just so many things happening that I simply didn’t have time for it. But I will try to do my best in the future! :)

Thank you all for such a warm welcome! I’m really happy that I could meet you all! Before my arrival to Japan I was worried about feeling alone here or missing my friends very much, but as for now I didn’t have time for it. You are really taking good care about me… poor gaijin :) But I don’t feel like a stranger here. You are very nice to me and very helpful! I would really like to thank you for all your help, I wouldn’t do anything here without you! :)

Mayako – I would really like to hear that song :)

Shiori – How far is Hiroshima from Kyoto? Is it easy to get there? I heard about that torii gate standing in the sea, I guess it looks really amazing!

Kobayann – I think that you shouldn’t ask anyone if he likes Japanese food… it’s so delicious that it should be obvious that everyone likes it :) Well I have to admit that I don’t like it… I love it! :) I tried sushi in Poland (as it’s the only Japanese food that is served in Poland) and I also made once sushi in Japan :) and I like it very much (both making and eating) :) Unfortunately in Poland we don’t have so many fish as in Japan, so our sushi options are limited. About nato – I haven’t tried yet but I heard about it. I have to try it because I’m curious if I like it or not. What else could you recommend to try from your cuisine? I like trying something new :)

Yuka – I always new about existence of Aikido but after reading your post I found it really interesting. How long have you been learning it? I would really like to see how it looks (and also I would like to try it) :) So I look forward to seeing you. You will be my Aikido sensei :)

Mayuka – I know about Machiya a little bit. I’m still learning about it, however I already guide tourists visiting Tondaya through it :) But I would like to know more about it as it’s very interesting. I would like to know how other Machiya looks like, is there many differences. For example I heard that tea ceremony room that is in Tondaya wasn’t typical for Machiya. I would like to know what is inside typical Machiya.

And finally… Manish :) We all really look forward to seeing you in Kyoto! Prepare for meeting here a lot of amazing people. I think that LC in Kyoto is the best of all AIESEC Local Commitees! :)

Once again thank you for everything AIESEC members :) I look forward to seeing you soon!



At October 26, 2009 at 8:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Monika. Do you still remember me?
I believe in you... Yes, My name is Masumi(万純). Autually Masumi means lots of pureness.haha:) Well, I am very happy to hear that you enjoy your life in Kyoto.
And it's my pleasure to meet you such a wide world. Yeah!
You are the best Polish I have ever met!

If you have a problem, please depend on us.
We will do our best for you.
Let's go to Sushi restaurant together.
See you soon:)
Take care

At October 27, 2009 at 10:28 PM , Blogger Monika said...

Of course I remember you Masumi! How could you ask that question! :) I hope that you'll never meet any other Polish person, so that I would always be your favourite one :)

Yes, Sushi is a great idea! I like it very much, and even making it was fun :) Did you like our sushi on party last time?

See you! :)

At October 27, 2009 at 10:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Monika. I'm Shiori.
I'm looking forward to seeing you next time.
Let's go to a sushi restaurant and hike Mt.Dimonzi(大文字)

To go to Hiroshima, it takes about 2 hours by Shinkansen.
In November, Miyazima is covered in autumnal colors. It's really beautiful!
So, I want to go there with you!

At October 27, 2009 at 11:43 PM , Blogger Monika said...

Hello Shiori.
I don't know yet where Mt Dimonzi is, but I already want to go there :) And I really can't wait to see Hiroshima. 2 hours is not so long, I'm glad to hear that. Thank you that you want to show me this amazing place!!

At October 28, 2009 at 1:37 AM , Anonymous manish said...

hi monika:-)
seems its really great fun at your end in kyoto.btw i am getting my COE soon:-) yay!cant wait to come to japan.
see you and team members soon,
have fun

At October 28, 2009 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,Monika! I'm Mayuka.
Thank you for your writing:)
OK!We, aiesec members are planing to go other Machiya on November 15th.
I'm sure you will enjoy it!
I'm looking forward to seeing you next time;)

At October 29, 2009 at 4:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi,Monika! I'm ozu!
This is the first time I write to this blog.
Do you remember me? I don't meet you so long... Please memorise me as The Wizard of Oz:)
By the way,I went to Miyajima on last weekend.(Shiori said about it in this blog.) It was very nice view!and oysters(a noted product in Miyajima)was so great!!
I want to go various places with you and I'm looking forward to seeing you.

At November 7, 2009 at 12:05 AM , Blogger Monika said...

Of course I remember The Wizard of Oz :) And you're next person saying about Miyajima, I think it's really amazing place and I can't wait to see it!
Mayuka, see you while visiting Machiya :)


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