How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Dec 11, 2009

Show you a Japanese web site!

Hello! Every one seeing this blog!

Today, I've just discussed how this web site be seen by many many people.
Actually, people who accesses to this blog is just a member of AIESEC only!!
(I don't know definitely, but almost true.)

So, I've researched how we can tell others who don't know about our web site.
Then, I found one of the way I didn't try to!

That's a truck back function!

If you are writing a blog, you may know about this function, though, almost all "net surfer" doesn't know about this.

Then, I've found one of a Japanese web site that shows us how this function is useful.

This is just a TEST, but I believe this should make a great effect!

And more, if you've found some blogs that is related to our goal, please send me that URL, and I'll ask the blogger to truck back our blog!

I'm looking forward to affecting this function!

トラックバックの仕方(how to use trackback)


At December 11, 2009 at 6:19 PM , Blogger Yosuke said...

I found that Blogger Spot doesn't have the function "truck back" ... T_T

May be... I must change the blog server... sigh.


At December 13, 2009 at 8:14 PM , Blogger Yosuke said...

I found that Changing the blog server doesn't make any effect!

I'll try to ask other bloggers to link our blog.

See you soon!


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