How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Dec 9, 2009

Japanese winter

Hello! I'm Yuka. These days, it is very cold... Last Sunday, the highest temperature was 11 degrees Celsius. And, the temperature of the refrigerator at the restaurant I worked in was also 11 degrees Celsius. Be careful not to catch a cold! (But I assume the temperature in Poland is more cold^^;)

In such a cold day, taking a bath makes us relax. It is often said that Japanese is the people who love to take a bath. I, also, like to soak in the bath! Many people feel happy when they soak in the hot water to their shoulder and forget the everyday worries after their work (or, for us, studying).

By the way, do you know Sento? It is a public bath in Japan. There is a very big bathtub. People, especially elderly people, go to the public bath and enjoy communication with other people there. In many cases, the water is very hot, so it may be hard to soak in the bath for the long time. But after taking a bath, we will feel warm to the core. Not only our body but also our heart may be warm through communication, too^^

There are Sentos in Kyoto, too. I have heard that it needs 410yen for one time. It is a little expensive… but it may be good experience to go to Sento.

See you for the next time! Let’s enjoy Japanese winter.


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