How do you think about Japan? -foreign studnets feel-

We conduct an internship as a student NPO "AIESEC". As we want to spread how Japan has their original cultures correctly, we made this blog and would tell you how internship takers feel about Japan.

Mar 28, 2010

Dear All

Dear all, I’m Angel from China. I’m taking internship in Wakosha Company and I’m learning the traditional Japanese embroidery there. Yousuke Akashi is my TN manager.

This White Day was an amazing day! It’s not because what great present I’ve got, but because what wonderful people I met with.

Thanks to dear Yamaguchi! You arranged such a meaningful trip that I learnt a lot about the Japanese Buddhism. I have to say that the abbot of the Myoshinji Temple is the wisest monk that I have ever met. He is also a very considerate person I guess. To make himself understood by foreigners, he split a long sentence into shorter ones. In my eyes, even the foreigners who have no idea about the Japanese Buddhism can get to know the complicated Buddhism via his words.
Here is the wise and hansom guy (=^ ^=)

A s you see the scenery of Myoshinji Temple is so beautiful, and we are so cute O(∩_∩)O~.

After the sightseeing, we went to Kaku’s house for lunch. What we was going to make is Takoyaki, a famous snack of Osaka City. Thanks to dear Kaku, I learnt how to make it and just look at my great works! They were round, cute and of course, delicious!

After the lunch, what interested us most happened!!! Dear Akashi got drunk and we started to scrawl on his face \(^o^)/ What a great fun!!! Look at his face, and you will forget all your affliction I guess O(∩_∩)O~

That’s all of the White Day. I have to say, it’s an amazing day and I’m having great fun in that day!!! Thanks to dear Yamaguchi, Akashi, Kaku, Kobayashi, Sugimoto, Kogasawara !!! Love you all !!!

Jan 14, 2010

There comes soon "Learning Event"!!

Hi, Manish!
I'm Yosuke, curry eater. lol.

We are going to hold an event for achieving our first goal, "telling about Japan"!
We suppose that you want to know something interesting for you about Japan,
so we want to ask you what you want to know about Japan!

Show you some examples!

Kimono(Japanese Traditional Cloths)

Temple(Jin-ja)(where we pray something like God)

Karate(Japanese fighting sport (came from China about 100 years ago and changed originally))

Actually, you may know about a little about Japan in India, though, it should be just a part of that.
Now, you are in Japan. You can really see everything you know!!
Learning Event doesn't have any format.
You can say "going somewhere", "experience something", "touch and see something", or so on, that'll be OK!!

Then, if you have any ideas, please answer on this blog.

Thank you!

I'll receive something you give me on the other day, that Mayako has now.
I really thank you! and be very looking forward to seeing that. (^_^)


Dec 11, 2009

Show you a Japanese web site!

Hello! Every one seeing this blog!

Today, I've just discussed how this web site be seen by many many people.
Actually, people who accesses to this blog is just a member of AIESEC only!!
(I don't know definitely, but almost true.)

So, I've researched how we can tell others who don't know about our web site.
Then, I found one of the way I didn't try to!

That's a truck back function!

If you are writing a blog, you may know about this function, though, almost all "net surfer" doesn't know about this.

Then, I've found one of a Japanese web site that shows us how this function is useful.

This is just a TEST, but I believe this should make a great effect!

And more, if you've found some blogs that is related to our goal, please send me that URL, and I'll ask the blogger to truck back our blog!

I'm looking forward to affecting this function!

トラックバックの仕方(how to use trackback)

Dec 10, 2009

Ise Shrine

Hi, i'm Atsu.

I'm from Mie prefecture in Japan.
So, now i'm going to introduce Ise Shrine.
Needless to say, Ise Shrine is in Ise in Mie prefecture.
This is the most largest and greatest shrine in Japan, i think.
Here dates back to beginning of Japan.
I can't write about it in detail because this includes sooooo long story.
If you get interested in it, you can watch the HP.

By the way, I went there with my Taiwanee friends in this summer.
sorry, i don't have enough time to write this ariticle completely.
I have to go a part-time-job right now.
This work is teaching students: clam school teacher.

good bye!

Dec 9, 2009

Japanese winter

Hello! I'm Yuka. These days, it is very cold... Last Sunday, the highest temperature was 11 degrees Celsius. And, the temperature of the refrigerator at the restaurant I worked in was also 11 degrees Celsius. Be careful not to catch a cold! (But I assume the temperature in Poland is more cold^^;)

In such a cold day, taking a bath makes us relax. It is often said that Japanese is the people who love to take a bath. I, also, like to soak in the bath! Many people feel happy when they soak in the hot water to their shoulder and forget the everyday worries after their work (or, for us, studying).

By the way, do you know Sento? It is a public bath in Japan. There is a very big bathtub. People, especially elderly people, go to the public bath and enjoy communication with other people there. In many cases, the water is very hot, so it may be hard to soak in the bath for the long time. But after taking a bath, we will feel warm to the core. Not only our body but also our heart may be warm through communication, too^^

There are Sentos in Kyoto, too. I have heard that it needs 410yen for one time. It is a little expensive… but it may be good experience to go to Sento.

See you for the next time! Let’s enjoy Japanese winter.

Nov 18, 2009

About New Year

Hi I'm Mayako!

I promised Manish to talk about Japanese New Year,
so now I'm writing the blog =)

In Japan, there are many tradition on New years day.
I'll introduce them.
I hope we can do some of them in new year
with Manish, Monika, and other EPs, if possible.

In Japan, we welcome a god of the year.
(The god is animal, and differ from year to year. Monika, you may know. Do you remember?)
So we decorate our living room or the entrance with pine branches or
kagami-mochi, a large, round rice cake offered to the gods, etc.

And we send new years card to friends and teachers.
We often draw the picture of the animal of the year.
The animal of the next year is tiger!

And there are many many play for new year.
Hanetsuki, Takoage, Iroha-Karuta, Fukuwarai, Sugoroku, Kakizome..
Do you know any of them?
Hanetsuki is a kind of sport.
Takoage is to fly a kite(Tako).
Iroha-Karuta is card game,
and Fukuwarai, I like the best, someone with his eyes closed
places parts of human face on a sheet of paper.
It's very fun. The word "Fuku" means happiness, and "Warai" means laughing.
Sugoroku is like a backgammon.
and Kakizome is wrinting Kanji character with Sumi, a chinese ink.

We do these play wishing the happiness of the year.

And we eat Osechi-Ryori, a special dishes on new year's day.
Woman cook it on the last day of the year and
she can relax in new year.

I think there are other many things I can't write about New Year!

How is your country's new year?

Nov 13, 2009

Hello everyone;)

My name is Hiro. I’m a project leader of this JAPAN team and TN manager of Monika’s office; Tonda-Ya.. I ‘m looking forward to seeing EPs, Mr. Manish and Ms.Rai.

It’s my first time to be a blogger.

Now, I show you my favorite spot in Japan.

That’s Mt.Fuji!! Maybe you've already heard about Mt.Fuji, the most highest mountain in Japan(3776m). It is famous for it’s beautiful appearance. Nowadays for everyone Mt.Fuji is one of the symbol of Japan. By the way, do you know other aspect of this mountain?? Not only dynamic attraction, Mt.Fuji has cultural side. From ancient era Japanese have a custom of worshipping nature such as sun and river and large mountain. We can often find the article about Mt.Fuji in ancient writing. The first article is more than 1200 years ago!! And it’s often selected by the subject matter of HAIKU(俳句) or art ex)Fugaku 36 kei (富岳三十六景) work of Katsusika Hokusai(葛飾北斎) gave movement to Western world at 18th century. As this shows, Mt.Fuji is always with Japanese history and people. Why don’t you going to see Mt.Fuji next time??
Bye Hiro